The exile of Brazilian teachers in portugal and the documents of DOPS-PR

O Exílio dos Professores Brasileiros em Portugal e a Documentação da DOPS-PR


  • Ana Karine Braggio UNIOESTE - Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná
  • Alexandre Felipe Fiuza UNIOESTE - Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná



This article aims at analyzing the experiences of Brazilian teachers who were exiled for their survival, as they were threatened by persecution during the period of the Brazilian civil-military dictatorship (1964-1985). We focus on the individuals referred to in the thematic dossiers in the files of the Political and Social Order Office in the State of Paraná (DOPS/PR) who were exiled in Portugal. Among the 2.378 dossiers cataloged at DOPS/PR, we analyzed the eight dossiers that mention specifically the exile of Brazilians. In these files, we traced the names of the exiles who were teachers in Brazil and/or Portugal. Our goal is to present, as a part of the history of the exile itself, the history of some of these teachers, who, despite the difficulties of adapting to a new culture and living in new social and political spaces, away from friends and family, have assumed prominence in the consolidation and circulation of new ideals in the political-ideological plan. They also contributed to pedagogical development, using as a sporadic reference the Liberating Pedagogy of the critical and emancipatory educational movement under the influence of Paulo Freire, who, because of his political militancy incompatible with the aspirations of the dictatorial government, also experienced exile.

Keywords:Exile; Activism; Teaching; Dictatorship.


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How to Cite

Braggio, A. K., & Fiuza, A. F. (2019). The exile of Brazilian teachers in portugal and the documents of DOPS-PR: O Exílio dos Professores Brasileiros em Portugal e a Documentação da DOPS-PR. Portuguese Journal of Education, 32(1), 16–34.


