Sexual option or sexual orientation? Teachers’ understandings of sexuality in a medical degree

Opção sexual ou orientação sexual? A compreensão de professores de um curso de Medicina sobre sexualidade




This article presents part of the results of a research that investigated the perceptions of teachers of a medical degree programme on the human dimension of sexuality so that processes of sexual education, which were presented in a proposal of an innovative curriculum, could be unveiled. The research was guided by the dialectical historical materialism paradigm that uses the dialectical method to analyse reality. Questionnaires and interviews were the instruments for data collection. Content analysis revealed contradictions in the pedagogical practice that represents experiences anchored in the medical-biological approach, coupled with the paradigm of scientific medicine. The words “sexual option”, “sexual choice” and “homosexualism” were often evidenced in the analysis, which suggests the understanding of diversity through biological, pathological and reductionist approaches. The strengthening of continuous and permanent teacher education becomes urgent and necessary. However, the contradictions also point to a programme that is alive, dynamic and in paradigmatic transition. There are possibilities of fully experiencing pedagogical processes of sexual education in an emancipatory approach.

Keywords: Medical degree; Integrated curriculum; Medical training; Emancipatory sexual education; Teacher education


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How to Cite

Yared, Y. B., & Melo, S. M. M. de. (2018). Sexual option or sexual orientation? Teachers’ understandings of sexuality in a medical degree: Opção sexual ou orientação sexual? A compreensão de professores de um curso de Medicina sobre sexualidade. Portuguese Journal of Education, 31(2), 175–195.


