Thinking about a transformation process concerning outdoor pedagogical practices in early years settings

Thinking about a transformation process concerning outdoor pedagogical practices in early years settings


  • Gabriela Bento Universidade de Aveiro
  • Gabriela Portugal



Early childhood education, Educational practices, Outdoor play, Pedagogical change


Research on outdoor spaces in education settings points to scenarios of disinvestment and devaluation of these environments, despite their contribution to children’s learning and development. To introduce changes in professionals’ rooted practices and to promote an effective valuation of outdoor play, formative programs provide an important contribute. In response to the interest expressed by two teams of early childhood Portuguese professionals, we developed an in-context formative program aimed at improving outdoor pedagogical practices. In this article we present a critical reflection on dimensions that emerged from the formative process and that seem to influence pedagogical transformation in the outdoor practices (will to change, teamwork, resources and equipment, families’ involvement, conceptual images about children, learning and the adult role). The discussed dimensions are interconnected and reveal incongruences between professionals’ speeches and practices. Major challenges in promoting outdoor play practices arise from professionals’ views about children, so pedagogical transformation demands the development of a conscientiously attitude of self-evaluation and reflection.


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How to Cite

Bento, G., & Portugal, G. (2019). Thinking about a transformation process concerning outdoor pedagogical practices in early years settings: Thinking about a transformation process concerning outdoor pedagogical practices in early years settings. Portuguese Journal of Education, 32(2), 91–106.


