Phases of implementation of blended learning in Spanish universities. Study based on segmentation analysis.
Blended Learning at Universities
The main objective of this study is to know and describe the phases of adoption of the
training modality called blended learning (BL). A survey was applied to 980 professors
from public universities throughout the Spanish state. The analysis of the data was
performed by clustering techniques for the grouping of the subjects (segmentation
analysis using the CHAID algorithm). The results show clues to understand why
university professors adopt or not this teaching modality, identifying profiles or traits
that characterize each of the subgroups grouped in each of the adoption phases (taken as
criterion variables), depending on a series of personal and professional characteristics
(Sex, Age, Professional category, Area of knowledge, Teaching experience, Attitude
toward BL, Level of Self-efficacy), and contextual variables related to Training
received on BL at the university. All of them consider as predictor variables. Indirectly,
this knowledge about the phases of adoption can provide information on the stage of
institutional diffusion of the B-Learning methodology in the whole of the Spanish
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