The field of artistic knowledge in the training curriculum of pedagogues and its echo in schools
Initial training, curriculum, artistic knowledgeAbstract
In this article, we present a reflection on art as a field of legitimized knowledge (or not) for the training of teachers and the repercussion of this training in their future teaching activities with arts, in the initial series of Basic Education, and the relation of this training with is determined by the legal documents in the country (Brazil, 1971; 1996; 1997; 2008; 2010; 2012; 2016; 2018). For this, we analysed the context of initial training in Pedagogy (Brazil, 2006, 2015), briefly highlighting the evolution of the field of Art in the school curriculum in Brazil (Barbosa, 1985), focusing on aesthetic education (Suassuna 1996, Schiller 1991). We also discuss what kind of knowledge in Arts is (or should be) proclaimed and exercised in the curricula (Lopes, 2011, Bourdieu, 1983, 2004, 2006) and what is actually practiced in the curricula of the Pedagogy courses of the Universidade Estadual do Ceará – UECE/Faculdade de Educação de Itapipoca FACEDI (Moraes, 2010; 2016) and the articulation of these curricula with the activities of research and extension (Dias, 2009) existing in this institution. The results of our analysis point to the understanding that curriculum is not a mere prescription, but, according to Ferraço (2008), a set of possibilities that requires us to consider the diversity present in school every day, as a formative and interventional element.
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