Biographical research and heterobiographization

A source of apprenticeship for the researcher


  • Rosemeire Reis Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)



Biographical research, Heterobiographization, Biographization, Apprenticeship for the researcher


This article focuses on the analysis of the processes of heterobiographization as an important dimension of biographical research in education and as a source of knowledge for the researcher. Heterobiographization is understood as learning obtained from listening and interpreting the narratives of the other's experience. This article is based on a biographical research carried out in 2017 with students from a Parisian university, as part of the post-doctoral studies developed at the Sorbonne Paris 13 University. It is a qualitative research, based on a socio-historical-anthropological analysis of the relationship between the subjects and the world (Ferrarotti, 2014) and on the use of an hermeneutical approach for the interpretation of the interviews (Delory-Momberger, 2014; Ricœur, 1983), carried out with four students: two men (one from Master I and another from Master II) and two women (one from Master II and one PhD student). As results, two types of learning are identified for the researcher: related to the construction of the ethical posture of valuing the knowledge of the other and to the reflexivity regarding the relevance of the research question. As a conclusion, it is identified that the experienced heterobiographization process contributes to the researcher's biographization. The movement between heterobiographization and biographization ha a formative dimension and produces important knowledge within the scope of biographical research in education.


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How to Cite

Reis, R. . (2020). Biographical research and heterobiographization: A source of apprenticeship for the researcher. Portuguese Journal of Education, 33(2), 295–309.



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