RESCUR implementation with deaf children and adolescents: Perception of teachers, parents and students about the impact regarding well-being and learnings


  • Eunice Freitas Faculdade de Motricidade Humana
  • Celeste Simões Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana



Deafness, RESCUR, Children, Resilience programmes, Qualitative study


Resilience is a dynamic and interactive concept, which refers to the individual's capacity to adjust and recover while facing various types of adversities and hardships more or less prolonged in time. Preventive and resilience promotion programmes are fundamental in childhood and adolescence, especially in vulnerable children.  The present study aims to explore the perception of 37 deaf children and adolescents, aged between 3 and 15 years old, and their parents and teachers about the impact of adapting and implementing the European Curriculum for Resilience (RESCUR). In this qualitative study, focus groups were conducted with the children and adolescents, and interviews with their parents and teachers. Data were subject to thematic analysis. The results reveal significant enhancements in terms of individual and social well-being and the acquisition of relational, communicational and academic skills. These results show the importance of promoting resilience and specific learnings adapted to the context of deafness, making possible in these children and adolescents learning integration.Promoting preventive programmes and resilience promoters reveals to be fundamental in childhood and adolescence.


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How to Cite

Freitas, E., & Simões, C. (2022). RESCUR implementation with deaf children and adolescents: Perception of teachers, parents and students about the impact regarding well-being and learnings. Portuguese Journal of Education, 35(2), 378–401.


