Literature in teacher training and catharsis as a preparatory foundation for the classroom




Literature and teaching, Catharsis, Historical-critical pedagogy, Teacher training, Literature and society


The article proposes to justify the need for catharsis to take place with the teacher, since, before becoming a teacher, he occupies the space of a student at the University. The research does not refer to catharsis as a single moment, on the contrary, it defends catharsis as a process that must be constant in studies, readings and research that permeate teacher training during undergraduate studies, and other knowledge construction processes that are part of teacher improvement. The approach, based on the theoretical assumptions of historical-critical pedagogy, suggests that literature, in teacher training, can contribute to promoting the cathartic process, preparing the subject for the systematization and mediation of knowledge, and its humanization; reinforces that access to art and literature is a right for everyone and not for a few, and defends the use of methods of analysing literary works that are not restricted to the linguistic aspect. Supported by the texts of Newton Duarte, Antonio Candido and Demerval Saviani, the research suggests methods that include a sociological, historical, cultural, philosophical and artistic approach, which would allow an understanding and apprehension of literary work of a multidisciplinary nature, intertwining knowledge in order to eliminate the separation of contents into “little boxes”. Teachers who do not go through cathartic experiences during their formative studies do not have the elements to guide other subjects through these experiences – future students. This being said, teacher training from this perspective makes it possible to offer instruments for the transformation of subjects involved in the educational process, preparing them to implement an egalitarian society.


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How to Cite

Ceribeli, M. C. B. (2024). Literature in teacher training and catharsis as a preparatory foundation for the classroom. Portuguese Journal of Education, 37(1), e24013.