Teacher self-efficacy and indiscipline: Perceptions of middle school teachers
Autoeficácia, Indisciplina escolarAbstract
A positive school climate positively predicts teacher self-efficacy. This paper reports the results of a study that explored the relationship between Portuguese teachers' self-efficacy beliefs for managing classroom indiscipline, school climate, and classroom climate. 400 primary school teachers took part and answered three questionnaires assessing their self-efficacy beliefs about classroom management, school and classroom climate. The data analysis, based on inferential statistical measures, reveals that teachers generally have high self-efficacy beliefs in managing indiscipline. It is also concluded that more experienced teachers, who have been teaching the longest at the same school and who have received training in managing indiscipline, have higher self-efficacy beliefs in managing indiscipline. Finally, teachers who perceive the school climate and classroom climate as more positive show higher levels of self-efficacy in managing indiscipline. The results obtained confirm the importance of the school and classroom climate, inferring that perceptions of teacher efficacy are influenced by the climate of the school organisations where teachers work. Based on the most significant results, the implications for initial and ongoing teacher training are discussed.
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