Appropriations of digital technologies in teaching practice after emergency remote teaching: An analysis of the emergence of concepts
Emergence of concepts, Teaching, Digital technology, Emergency remote teachingAbstract
The discussions presented in this article result from research carried out by members of two research groups of a public university in Brazil. We sought to investigate the critical appropriations of the use of digital technologies in teaching practice in the process of returning to in-person teaching after Emergency Remote Teaching. The emergency analysis of concepts was used as a methodology to investigate the teaching experience of Emergency Remote Teaching in person, experienced in a higher education institution. The ideographic recording of the generating sources began from the data collection carried out with the subjects. The responses obtained were translated into English, in order to facilitate interpretation using specific semantic analysis software - Tropes. A type of representation was used - network analysis, developed using the network composition and analysis platform - Gephi. Subsequently, the emergence of afferent, efferent and transitional concepts was verified, to compose the analysis of concepts originated around the generating theme. The data obtained showed that the subjects of the research recognized that their way of teaching changed after the experience with Emergency Remote Teaching and return to in-person teaching. Furthermore, they maintained strategies intermediated via digital technology, adapted their teaching practice, overcame difficulties in appropriating the use of digital information and communication technologies, in addition to recognizing that there are still challenges associated with teaching practice, such as: lack of student interest, innovation and updating of teaching practices.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Regiani Coser Cravo, Marcelle Rose da Silva Minho, Marcus Túlio de Freitas Pinheiro, Emanuel do Rosário Santos Nonato

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