Perspectives of university teachers and students on the factors influencing the learning of English as a foreign language
Higher Education, Perception, Learning factors, English (Foreign Language)Abstract
English proficiency is essential for achieving a successful academic and professional career, which motivates university students to perfect their language skills. However, some students merely aim to meet the requirements set by educational institutions without developing strong linguistic abilities. Faced with this situation, the present study, using a sequential explanatory mixed-method approach with a first quantitative phase and a second qualitative phase, aims to analyze the factors influencing the learning of English as a foreign language during the university stage. To accomplish this, data triangulation has been conducted between the student responses gathered through a questionnaire and the teacher's perspective obtained through semi-structured interviews. The results reveal that the degree program, time invested, and motivation are key factors in the student profile. Additionally, it is an opportune moment to increase demands in foreign language education, although special attention must be given to Bachelor's Degree programs with a lower language proficiency level. Finally, to enhance the quality of learning, it is crucial to employ ICT outside the classroom along with active methodologies that optimize available time.
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