Constructive movements of a group of reflective teachers


  • Hedioneia Maria F. Pivetta Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Silvia Maria de Aguiar Isaia Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



The focus of the study was aimed at the constructive movements of the groupof teachers as a reflective learning device in college studies. The objective wasto identify the constructive movements of this group, analyze the group dynamics of teaching and learning from it. The study featured the qualitative narrative methodological approach with research-training and action research characteristics (Maciel, 2006). Fifteen meetings were held with a group of sixteen teachers of a religious institution of Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil, with the strategy of developing daily reflection over the class diary and the teachers’ experiences in the classroom. The discursive textual analysis(Moraes & Galiazzi, 2007) was the choice for the systematization of results.This strategy allowed us to identify the group dynamics involving three constructive movements: (1) first articulation; (2) approaches and departures;and (3) reflective continuum. The teachers' learning consisted in an interpersonal, intrapersonal and inter-relational process in the group context, established as a motivational place of sharing, an important agent in the transformation of the way teachers feel, think and act.


Reflective group; Teacher's learning; College education


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How to Cite

F. Pivetta, H. M., & Isaia, S. M. de A. (2014). Constructive movements of a group of reflective teachers. Portuguese Journal of Education, 27(1), 111–132.


