Prevention of Alcohol Consumption in Portuguese Natural Sciences’ Textbooks


  • Augusta Dias Agrupamento de Escolas de Cabeceiras de Basto
  • José Alberto Precioso Universidade do Minho



Alcohol consumption is a serious problem, very prevalent and growing among schooled adolescents. For that reason, the prevention of alcohol consumption should be carried out at school. School textbooks are a resource to be used in preventive processes. The objective of the present investigation is to analyze the approaches to contents concerning alcohol consumption proposed in 9th grade Portuguese Natural Sciences’ school textbooks. For that, one has proceeded to the contents analysis of the seven school books in Portugal for the school year of 2008/2009. These textbooks will be used until 2014. School textbooks approach the alcohol consumption problem in a very incomplete and superficial way. None suggests activities to develop students’ competences to resist to pressures leading to consumption. School textbook authors shouldtake into account the need to discuss this topic.

Keywords: School textbooks; Alcoholism prevention; Education; Adolescence


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How to Cite

Dias, A., & Precioso, J. A. (2014). Prevention of Alcohol Consumption in Portuguese Natural Sciences’ Textbooks. Portuguese Journal of Education, 27(2), 135–158.


