Abnormal times and new fantasies. New trends in human rights, justice and educatin


  • Carlos Vilar Estêvão Instituto de Educação da Universidade do Minho




Market, Human Rights, Justice, Education


After characterizing the current times as abnormal times, with the creation, by the ideology of the market, of new fantasies that promise heaven on earth interms of well-being, personal fulfillment and justice, the author makes an incursion in the land of human rights, justice, education and school, in order tounveil new interpretations, new myths, new abnormalities that are emerging within it, congruent with the market, understood as metonymy of global capitalism. In this view, rights are seen from a "multiuse" perspective, which makes them "malleable" at will and at the demands of the dominant rationality of the economy; likewise, justice tends to be construed from an individualistic and efficiency perspective, that is, as a factor that effectively contributes to the balance of trade and for maintaining the evenness of the social balance.Finally, education should constitute a sub-sector of the economy, with a functionalist format at the service of social and economic needs that come from the mercantile world.


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How to Cite

Estêvão, C. V. (2015). Abnormal times and new fantasies. New trends in human rights, justice and educatin. Portuguese Journal of Education, 28(2), 7–29. https://doi.org/10.21814/rpe.7730


