Design and Evaluation of Teaching Materials for Responsible Research and Innovation


  • Marta Romero-Ariza University of Jaén
  • Ana Maria Abril
  • Antonio Quesada



Science Education, Scientific literacy, Socioscientific Issues (SSI), Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), Teaching resources / Educação em ciências, Literacia científica, Questões sociocientíficas (QSC), investigação e Inovação Responsáveis (IRR)


The analysis of the classroom activities produced by a sample of 121 pre-service teachers provides evidence about the impact of a teacher professional development program to promote responsible research and innovation (RRI) through science education. Most of the activities produced by participants were related to curricular content knowledge, contributed to the development of key competences and defined learning objectives in line with current science education standards and RRI. Many of the classroom activities (78,6%) includes good or excellent maps of the controversy related to relevant socioscientific issues and high quality questions for scaffolding students’ work. Additionally, 60,7% of the activities got high marks in the evaluation of authenticity and their potential to encourage science students’ to make informed decisions and undertake an active role in societal issues concerning scientific and technological advances.

A análise das atividades em sala de aula produzida por uma amostra de 121 futuros professores apresentam evidências sobre o impacto de um programa de desenvolvimento professional do professor para promover a investigação e inovação responsáveis (IRR), através da educação em ciências. A maior parte das atividades produzidas pelos participantes estavam relacionadas com o conhecimento do conteúdo curricular, contribuíram para o desenvolvimento de competências essenciais e definiram objetivos de aprendizagem em linha com os padrões atuais da educação em ciências e da investigação e inovação responsáveis (IRR). Muitas das atividades em sala de aula (78,6%) incluem bons ou excelentes mapas de controvérsia relacionadas com questões sociocientíficas (QSC) relevantes e com outras questões pertinentes de apoio ao trabalho dos alunos. Além disso, 60,7% das atividades obtiveram pontuação elevada na avaliação da autenticidade e no seu potencial para incentivar os estudantes de ciências a tomarem decisões informadas e empreenderem um papel ativo no que diz respeito a questões societais relacionadas com os avanços científicos e tecnológicos.


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Author Biographies

Marta Romero-Ariza, University of Jaén

Dr. Marta Romero-Ariza is a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Didactics of Sciences in the University of Jaén especially interested in how to enhance science learning through the use of innovative approaches and technological resources. Her lines of work include science teacher initial education and professional development with a special focus on inquiry-based science education, nature of science and socio-scientific issues. She has been actively engaged in several international projects such as EANCYT, COMPASS, PRIMAS and MASCIL. Currently she is the leader of the Spanish team in the European projects PARRISE, IncluSMe and MasDiV.

Ana Maria Abril

Dr. Ana M. Abril Gallego got her PhD in Molecular Biology at the Autonomous University of Madrid in 2000. She started as a science education lecturer in 2001 and since then she has published articles, and supervised PhD in the Didactics of Genetics with an emphasis of the potential of cinema as a vehicle for promoting RRI and socio-societal issues in secondary education. Furthermore, she has been involved in the European projects PRIMAS, COMPASS, mascil, PARRISE, IncluSMe and MasDiV as well as in several national research projects.

Antonio Quesada

Dr. Antonio Quesada studied Chemical Sciences at the University of Jaen (Spain), where he obtained his Ph.D. in June 2003. He worked at this University from 1998 to 2005 in the Organic Chemistry Department. He joined the Department of Science Education as lecturer and researcher in April 2005. During this period, he has actively engaged in different national and international European projects related to Science Education such COMPASS, PRIMAS, MASCIL, PARRISE; MASDIV and INCLUSME among others. His main areas of interest and research are focus on initial teacher education, continuing professional development of teachers, Inquiry-based Science Education, ICT and Science Education, among others.


