Liberation as Dependence

Reconceptualizing Emancipatory Education in the New Climatic Regime




Latour, emancipation, Freire, climate change, politics


Bruno Latour argues that we are currently living in a New Climatic Regime, where binary oppositions like Nature/Culture and Subject/Object prevent the development of modes of politics capable of collective action. The New Climatic Regime requires the reconstruction of human relations with the more-than-human world, including the contemporary politics of education, which mostly developed in response to problems lumped under the category of ‘the social.’ Here, scholars have asked how education might play a role in emancipating individuals and groups from oppressive social forces. However, climate change is a different type of political problem, and one where the logic of emancipation appears to break down. This paper puts Latour’s thinking in conversation with Freire’s praxes of liberatory education to inquire into the role emancipatory education might play in engendering collective action towards climate change and other problems of the present.


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Author Biography

Tristan Gleason, Moravian College, United States of America

Is an assistant professor of education at Moravian College. His research explores science education, teacher education, and qualitative research methods, suggesting that the political orientations of all three require reconstruction in order to compose pluralistic approaches to the interrelated challenges of climate change and settler colonialism. 


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