Duolingo and IMVU in Spanish Language Teaching and Learning
Ludopedagogical and Interactive Practices
online games, teaching spanish, duolingo, IMVU, ludopedagogical practicesAbstract
The present research aimed to analyze the contributions of Duolingo and IMVU to the ludopedagogical practices in the teaching and learning of Spanish Language through the reports of students and a teacher from the first year of high school in a private institution. Twelve students and one Spanish language teacher participated in the research. For data collection, we used a sociodemographic questionnaire with five questions and a structured questionnaire with nine questions. The analyses were performed according to the proposed objective based on the reports of the students and the teacher. The results show that the students report that the use of Duolingo and IMVU contributes to the strengthening of the learning processes of writing and speaking in Spanish language classes. Therefore, the use of games and digital applications is considered an important tool for teaching Spanish language in high school.
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