Challenges in teaching Technical Communication in Portuguese as Mother Tongue
From the Classroom to the World of Engineering
technical communication, engineering, challengesAbstract
This article reflects on the expectations of students in the 1st year of Computer Engineering regarding the curricular unit of Technical Communication. Based on Almeida (2019), Costeleanu (2021), and Kakepoto, Laghari and Buriro (2022), we discuss the opinions of students of the Computer Engineering Course in direct line with the expectations / requirements demanded by the world of work. Using a methodology of a qualitative nature, through the questionnaire survey, we conclude that future professionals in the field of computer engineering are aware of the importance that technical communication has in the performance of the various functions required by the professional world. However, only an approximation between the academic context and the world of work will contribute to the design of a didactic intervention capable of responding effectively to the demands of the current industrial world.
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