The Role of Social Support in the Transition and Inclusion of ERASMUS Students
erasmus, social support, inclusion, higher educationAbstract
The literature is poor regarding Social Support in academic life and for students who are involved in the ERASMUS mobility programme. We formulated the following research questions: (i) Are the students' difficulties with ERASMUS related to Social Support? (ii) Which dimensions of Social Support interfere in the students' adaptation and inclusion in ERASMUS? We aimed to find answers in quantitative empirical research of exploratory nature. The sample was composed of 413 Higher Education students in Portugal who answered the socio-academic questionnaire and the Social Support Satisfaction Scale (ESSS). The results obtained have shown that Social Support proved to be effective in the process of adaptation and inclusion in ERASMUS. Verbal communication between students was particularly important, facilitating the dimensions of Social Support. Furthermore, implications are mentioned in terms of promoting the development of the autonomy and well-being of the students in ERASMUS, through mechanisms that enhance Social Support.
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