Social Skills in Face-to-Face and Online Contexts
Interference of the Problematic Use of the Video Game Console
social skills, problematic ICT use, adolescence, video gameAbstract
The development of social skills is crucial in adolescence, and technologies can influence it. Objectives: a) To analyze the social skills of adolescents in the face-to-face and virtual scenario, b) To analyze the social skills of adolescents in the face-to-face and virtual scenario according to sex, c) To relate the frequency of use of the video console and assertiveness face-to-face and in virtual interaction, d) Relationship between the frequency of video game console use and empathy in face-to-face interaction and in the online context. The sample consisted of 1,101 participants. For adolescents, online reality is a continuation of face-to-face reality and vice versa and they respond in a very similar way in both contexts. Girls show greater empathy and assertiveness. The high frequency of video games is related to low social skills. Educational implications are discussed.
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