Emotions of University Students during Inquiry-Based Science Teaching
Building Hotels in a Natural Park?
inquiry, socio-scientific issues, emotions, pedagogical content knowledgeAbstract
This study examines how the emotions of future teachers towards scientific content (living beings and ecosystems) change when participating in an inquiry-based intervention focused on building hotels in a Natural Park in Spain. The sample included students from the Primary Education Teaching Degree at the University of Huelva, participating in a science didactics course. A Likert-type questionnaire was used to measure the intensity of fourteen emotions at three moments: before, during, and after the intervention. Additionally, interviews, observations, and narratives were conducted to identify the causes that justify the change. The results show that positive emotions recorded the highest intensities at all three moments. There was an increase in all positive emotions, with satisfaction being particularly significant. All negative emotions decreased, especially boredom. Moreover, the change is attributed to the biological nature of the topics and their integration into Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Initial training should incorporate emotional education into a professional knowledge model that includes self-regulation strategies to facilitate emotional maturity and learning.
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