Policies of Social Action and Inclusion and Current Brazilian Tensions


  • Maura Corcini Lopes University Vale do Rio dos Sinos
  • Alfredo Veiga-Neto Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul




Inclusion, Learning, Homo oeconomicus discentis accessibilis, Biopolitics


By briefly describing the events that highlight the emergence of policies of social action and inclusion in Brazil, from the 1930’s through the mid- 2010’s, this paper presents reflections about the production of a new type of individual who possesses, in the learning processes, the potency to invert the relationship between absolute poverty exclusion for the lack of competence- in/exclusion. Such policies, as they operate as State strategies for the biopolitical government of the population, produce in articulation with other practices what may be considered a subspecies of the Homo oeconomicus, namely, the Homo oeconomicus discentis accessibilis. The digital inclusion is discussed as an important and effective operator for inclusion in Brazil.


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Author Biographies

Maura Corcini Lopes, University Vale do Rio dos Sinos

PhD and M.A. in Education. Undergraduate in Special Education. Main professor in the Graduate Program in Education at University Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). Head of the Study and Research Group in Inclusion (GEPI/UNISINOS/CNPq). Productivity Grant Fellowship Holder at CNPq.

Alfredo Veiga-Neto, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

PhD in Education and M.Sc. in Genetics. Full professor (retired) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Guest Professor (on a permanent basis) of the graduate program in Education of UFRGS. Head of the Research Group in Curriculum and Contemporariness (GPCC/UFRGS).


