Ethnohistory of the School. Representations of Modernity
Modernity, Ethnohistory, Hermeneutics, Universal exhibitions, Dialectics tradition/Innovation, IconographyResumo
This study analyses and discusses the historiographic construct “modernity” and the problem of its representations and their readings and interpretations. It examines the question based on two exemplifications, with the aid of iconographic sources, attributing to them the function of mimesis of the empirical culture of the school: a) the universal exhibitions (modernity as performance); b) the ambivalences of the modern (dialectical understanding of modernity). It concludes with an attempt at a synthetic closure of a hermeneutic character.
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O Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, editor da Sisyphus, é um dos subscritores da Declaração de São Francisco sobre Avaliação da Investigação (DORA).