Uma Análise Comparada dos Métodos Digitais Inovadores de Ensino e Aprendizagem Pré- e Pós-Pandemia em Duas Universidades em Itália e na Nigéria




aprendizagem digital, educação de adultos, pandemia COVID-19, métodos inovadores


Este artigo apresenta uma análise descritiva e comparada das políticas de ensino superior ao nível estatal e organizacional, dos métodos e eficácia da aprendizagem digital em Itália e Nigéria, devido às mudanças originadas pela pandemia COVID-19. É um reflexo da experiência de 2021 da Adult Education Academy (AEA), que se centrou na análise do período pré- e pós-pandemia nas dimensões mega, meso e micro, no intuito de criar um ambiente de aprendizagem propício, encorajar o uso de métodos de ensino inovadores nos dois países e aprender com essas mudança. Numa análise comparada, a finalidade deste artigo é explorar as práticas e estratégias implementadas por duas universidades em Itália e na Nigéria para abordar os desafios provocados pela pandemia. Serão propostos alguns métodos de ensino/aprendizagem que podem preparar as instituições para o novo normal.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografias Autor

Tewo V. Bakare, Department of Adult Education, University of Lagos, Nigéria

Associate Professor of adult education (Department of Adult Education, University of Lagos, Nigeria) is a seasoned adult educator and resource person who has worked extensively in the field for several decades and served as a consultant both locally and with foreign collaborators.  She has attended numerous conferences both nationally and internationally, and has over 70 publications in reputable Journals to her credit.  Her area of specialization is adult teaching methods and ICT with interest is women and environmental issues.

Helen Opara, Department of Adult Education, University of Lagos, Nigéria

Doctoral Student with the Department of Adult Education University of Lagos. Her thesis is on Coping Strategies and Subject wellbeing of Single Parents. She holds Master’s Degree in Public Administration and Manpower Training and Development Education.  Her research interests include Adult Education, Lifelong Learning, Subjective Wellbeing of older Adults and Comparative Studies. She is a member of many Professional Associations such as Nigerian National Council for Adult Education (NNCAE): Association for Sustainable Development and Communities Integration of Nigeria (ASDCIN) and attended many Conferences.

Concetta Tino, Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology, University of Padua, Itália

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Education and Training. She teaches at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology of the University of Padua. Her research interests are education-work partnership, skills boundary spanning, soft skill development and assessment, active teaching, leadership and female career development. She has published several articles and chapters on research topics. Among the recent articles: Career planning, proactivity, self-employability, and labour market: undergraduates’ perceptions. (with Fedeli, M.). Women’s career decision making and interest in engineering: a qualitative analysis of influential personal and contextual factors (with Lavagnolo M.C., Fedeli, M. & Bierema, L.).

Monica Fedeli, Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology, University of Padua, Itália

Full Professor of adult education, teaching methods, organizational development and change, University of Padua, Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology. Her research interests are didactics, active and participatory teaching and learning, faculty development in Italy and international settings, gender equity, university business dialogue, and professional and organizational development. She has published more than 140 contributions, in books, book chapters, and in a variety of national and International journals.


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