Chemistry Teachers Introduce High-School Students to Advanced Topics Using a Poster Exhibition of Contemporary Organic Chemistry


  • Ron Blonder Weizmann Institute of Science
  • Inga Meshulam Weizmann Institute of Science



Chemistry education, Professional development, Modern chemistry, Poster exhibition, Teacher knowledge, Ownership, Teaching efficacy


The 21st century presents many challenges for chemistry educators. Chemistry as an evolving entity is not reflected in the existing high-school chemistry curriculum. The goal of the current study is to examine teachers’ perceptions regarding introducing advanced topics in chemistry for high-school students by using a poster exhibition of contemporary organic chemistry. Four different groups of chemistry teachers participated in the study. The groups differ in their Content Knowledge (CK), and their experience in using the poster exhibition. The poster exhibition served as an effective means of support for teachers when high-school students were introduced to contemporary chemistry topics. CK was found to be an important component that positively influences teachers’ self-efficacy for using the poster exhibition in their class. However, the teachers’ CK was insufficient; the feelings of ownership and mastery experience are also important influential components that should be considered.


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Biografias Autor

Ron Blonder, Weizmann Institute of Science

Ron Blonder is a senior researcher in the Department of Science Teaching of the Weizmann Institute of Science, in Israel. She received her B.Sc (summa cum laude, 1993) and her Ph.D in chemistry in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is engage in professional development of chemistry teachers and research in Science Education. Her goal is to promote the modernization of both chemistry contents and chemistry teaching pedagogies by promoting professional development and interactions within the community of chemistry teachers.

Inga Meshulam, Weizmann Institute of Science

Inga Meshulam is a high school chemistry teacher for 26 years and regional guide for chemistry teachers in the Ministry f Education. She received her B.Sc in medicinal chemistry in Bar-Ilan University and her MSc degree in science education in the The Rothschild-Weizmann Program for Excellence in Science Teaching in Weizmann Institute of Science.


