The access of visually impaired people to culture: a study in the museums of the city of Pirenópolis - Goiás


  • Rogério Lacerda de Carvalho University of Brasília
  • Donária Coelho Duarte University of Brasília



Responsible Tourism, Accessibility, Pirenópolis, Visual disability


This study aims to analyze the access to culture for the visually impaired, which actions and proposals are developed for the inclusion of this particular public in museums Pirenópolis - Goiás The census conducted in 2010 indicated that approximately 45.6 million people, or 23.9% of the population had some type of disability or impairment and that this percentage, a significant portion, about 36 million, say they are visually impaired. The visually impaired may be being excluded from entitlement to the tourist attractions and cultural means by lack of consciousness of managers in the tourist trade. Museums, for example, must have a specific order to better serve them structure, because the interaction of the visually impaired is performed through touch and auditory information. The cut was proposed in the Sacred Art Museum, located in Goiás municipality. The research was literature with analysis of authors that address. Qualitative interviews and photographic records were conducted to verify that the current situation of the museum of Sacred Art of the municipality of Pirenópolis. The field research was conducted in April 2014, where it was found that the city's museums are unsuitable for inclusion of visually impaired people, provided information in Braille, audio and resources specific to guide them within the same floors. We suggest the development of awareness of those responsible for public sectors as well as the curators of this museum in the city of Pirenópolis specific strategy - GO.


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How to Cite

Lacerda de Carvalho, R., & Coelho Duarte, D. (2023). The access of visually impaired people to culture: a study in the museums of the city of Pirenópolis - Goiás. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 3(2), 56–72.