Use of information and communication technologies by distance learning students: A case study in Ecuador
ICTs, Virtual education, Teaching strategies, Distance educationAbstract
This research presents the results of a case study on the level of use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) by students of the distance learning modality of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL), Loja (Ecuador), in the academic period April-August 2020, time of Covid 19. The methodology used is the qualitative analysis of the use of ICTs in the teaching-learning process. For the collection of the results, a survey was used with questions validated in other research and the collection process was online. A representative sample of 300 students enrolled in different distance learning degrees who chose the elective subjects of Hotel Management and Tourism and Tourism Operations was obtained. The results show that distance learning students do have knowledge of ICTs, however, they do not use them adequately because the information they use for their educational activities is based on academic Google searches and, to a lesser extent, on virtual libraries. With regard to teachers, the results showed that in the teaching-learning process they have the necessary skills and abilities to use ICTs. Therefore, these results are of great value from a strategic point of view to address new didactic strategies based on ICTs that allow teachers to involve students in the use of ICTs in their educational activities of teaching and learning.
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