The PLS method in tourism research: A bibliometric approach
PLS-SEM, Tourism, Bibliometric, RstudioAbstract
Objectives: Observe the development of the application of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM), and why it is suitable for theory development in tourism research, their main expositors both in terms of authors and countries, as well as the relationships between them and the keywords used.
Methods: This study empirically examines the PLS method in tourism research published between 2000 and 2020 in the Web of Science (WoS) databases, using the terms "PLS" and "tourism". Bibliometric review software Rstudio was used, applying the "Bibliometrix" and "Biblioshiny" packages.
Results: It shows the increase in publications in recent years, being in 2014 when the exponential increase begins, the country with the highest production of scientific articles is Spain, while the most prolific university is the University Sains of Malaysia, as well as the classification of authors by the various indexes or by their production over time, also has the relationships that exist between keywords, authors and universities, to conclude with a heat map of research worldwide
Conclusion: The main conclusions of the present study are that there is a clear increase in the use of the PLS-SEM technique in tourism research, where Spain is the country that publishes the most on the subject, not having journals specialised in this topic, and where the main authors and the different classification indices for them are shown.
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