Regiões de turismo de Portugal Continental e seu posicionamento na rede social Facebook
DOI: clave:
Facebook, Regiones Turísticas de Portugal Continental, Interacción, Marketing turístico, Comunicación digitalResumen
The impact of new technologies, especially the use of the internet as a form of interaction in social networks in marketing activities, allows to outline strategies and forms of appealing and original communication in the tourism sector. Becoming crucial for it to survive in this increasingly globalized era and differentiate its products and services, in order to motivate social network users and provide them with the desire and need to interact or even the motivation to experience what each tourism region can offer. This research has as main objectives to identify and compare the differences of interaction between the pages of the Mainland Portugal Tourism regions, in order to understand which of these regions most benefit from their presence in social networks (in this case Facebook), as a strategic marketing tool, in the search for obtaining greater notoriety and stimulating the involvement with consumers. To this end, it was developed a literature review on topics such as web 2.0, tourism marketing, social networks, consumer engagement. Subsequently, a content and performance analysis of these pages of Mainland Portugal Tourism regions on Facebook, using digital metrics, between March and May 2015, for comparison and tabulation of results. It was found that, the amount of information provided by the page does not have a direct relationship with consumer engagement and that there are many differences between user engagement with each destination studied.
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