A Methodology to Promote Deleterious Oral Habit Change through an Educational and Fun Game


  • Andrea Ferreira de Oliveira Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR)
  • Maria Andréia Formico Rodrigues Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR)
  • Isabel Magalhães Pinto Ribeiro Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR)




Babies develop several reflexes to help them adjust to life outside the womb, and one of them is sucking. However, if persisting for more than three years after birth, deleterious oral habits can cause consequences such as inadequacy in positioning the jaws, lips, tongue and palate, among other health issues. This work presents a methodology to promote deleterious oral habit change through an educational game that encourages the child to abandon this habit in a conscious and consenting way. We created the narrative and developed the game to be played for seven consecutive days. It contemplates four phases of a learning player's journey. Moreover, this learning journey is enriched with four fun and challenging minigames. Each day, the player can experience new adventures and awareness activities to stimulate behaviour change spontaneously through positive reinforcement. Furthermore, we implemented a pointsbased rewards system to generate an impact on player satisfaction. Finally, our methodology also offers the opportunity to bring together the child's family and dental professional to act collaboratively in favour of health, offering the child confidence and the chance to explore the deleterious oral habit, learn, and change.

Biografias Autor

Maria Andréia Formico Rodrigues, Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR)

Andreia Formico was a CAPES Visiting Researcher Scholar (Programa ES - Programa de Estágio Sênior no Exterior) in the Entertainment Technology Center (ETC) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, from July 2017 to July 2018. Since 2002 she is a Full Professor in the PPGIA, Center of Technological Sciences at the University of Fortaleza, Brazil, where she teaches Computer Graphics, Computer Animation, and Digital Games courses. Andreia holds a PhD degree in Computer Science from Imperial College London, London, UK. She has previously served as the General Chair (2002) and Program Co-Chair (2005) for SIBGRAPI, South America's most prestigious forum supporting the publication of original research in Computer Graphics, Patterns and Images, as the Program Chair (Computing Track) of the Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGames 2015), as Co-Chair of the 19th Symposium on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Graduate Workshop (WTD SVR 2017), as one of the five members of the Steering Committee of the SBGames 2017-2018, as PC member of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH 2020), Invited Editor of the Elsevier Entertainment Computing Journal (EntCom), and Program Co-Chair (Computing Track) of the SBGames 2020, and Co-Chair of the SBGames 2021 Thesis and Dissertation Contest. She has worked as Associate Editor of the ACM Computers in Entertainment Journal (ACM-CIE) for 7 years (2012-2018). Currently, she is serving as President of the CE-JOGOS (Comissão Especial de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital) of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC), Managing Guest Editor of the Elsevier Entertainment Computing Journal (EntCom), PC member of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH 2022), PC member of the High Performance Graphics (HPG 2022), and PC member of the 42o. Concurso de Teses e Dissertações (CTD) da CSBC/SBC. She is a member of the editorial review board of the International Journal of Handheld Computing Research. Her research interests are in computer games (mainly, games for health, simulation-based games and transformational games), real-time computer graphics, collision detection and physics simulations, augmented and virtual reality applications, computer vision, deep learning and user experience (UX). 

Isabel Magalhães Pinto Ribeiro, Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR)

Possui graduação em Odontologia pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (1979), especialização em Odontopediatria pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (1994), especialização em Ortodontia pela Universidade Brasil (1999), mestrado em Saúde Pública pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (2004) e aperfeicoamento em Ortopedia Funcional dos Maxilares pelo Associação Brasileira de Odontologia (1997). Atualmente é Professor auxiliar da Universidade de Fortaleza e Dentista do Governo do Estado do Ceará. Tem experiência na área de Odontologia, com ênfase em Ortodontia. Atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Epidemiologia da Maloclusão; Necessidade de Tratamento.




Como Citar

Andrea Ferreira de Oliveira, Maria Andréia Formico Rodrigues, & Isabel Magalhães Pinto Ribeiro. (2022). A Methodology to Promote Deleterious Oral Habit Change through an Educational and Fun Game. Revista Interacções, 18(63), 47–76. https://doi.org/10.25755/int.27225