Ensino Remoto e Pandemia de CoViD-19

Desafios e oportunidades de alunos e professores


  • Jamilly Rosa Santos Colégio Militar de Santa Maria (CMSM)
  • Elisângela Zaboroski




The COVID-19 pandemic brought a sense of urgency and adaptation to students and teachers. In the face of new challenges, the greatest need is to establish a link between the isolation routine and the continuity of teaching. This article aims to analyze the changes and adaptations of remote education, highlighting the challenges brought by the new coronavirus, as well as the didactic opportunities of the moment. The current analysis is the result of research in books, websites and other media. It is believed that it is possible to indicate the main educational difficulties to be improved and further possibilities for Brazilian education.



How to Cite

Santos, J. R., & Zaboroski, E. (2020). Ensino Remoto e Pandemia de CoViD-19: Desafios e oportunidades de alunos e professores. Interacções, 16(55), 41–57. https://doi.org/10.25755/int.20865



Number 25 - Special Number - Adolescence, Gender and Violences