Kahoot! Em Ensino à Distância

Uma Experiência em Tempos de Pandemia por CoViD-19





When rethinking teaching strategies, aiming to adapt them to distance learning, implemented after educational establishments closure, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we considered it essential to develop activities that contribute to a meaningful learning and also providing pleasant moments. Confident in the benefits of gamification, we developed a formative assessment activity, using Kahoot!, addressing the rational numbers, within the scope of a ​​Fundamentals of Mathematics course, of a Primary education teacher training degree. The students' responses, for the quiz, reveal that students have difficulties in the study of fractions. Regarding the reactions to the activity, we found high levels on students' motivation and commitment. However, we detected a lower level of competitiveness, when compared to what we witnessed on other occasions, in face-to-face learning.



How to Cite

Santos, C., & Dias, C. (2020). Kahoot! Em Ensino à Distância: Uma Experiência em Tempos de Pandemia por CoViD-19. Interacções, 16(55), 123–139. https://doi.org/10.25755/int.20990



Number 25 - Special Number - Adolescence, Gender and Violences