Desafios do Ensino Remoto de Emergência

Da Prática à Teoria




The change to distance teaching/learning process, in an emergency situation such as the COVID-19 pandemic, had impacts at various levels and made us think about the quality of teaching time and the diversity of techniques that best responded to that end. This challenge was initially mainly for teachers, who were faced with the need to change the education paradigm, in a short time, with the use of computer resources that did not dominate, namely the Zoom - Colibri platform (for synchronous classes) and assessment tests on the Moodle platform. This process involved adaptation solutions for both students and teachers in relation to the contents prepared for classroom teaching. This paper reports to: (1) the different strategies and methodologies used in different curricular units, which were planned for theoretical-practical classes; (2) the student´s opinion concerned, regarding the methodologies used. For this purpose, an online survey was conducted and applied to 28 students who were present in each case study of the unity classes (case 1- 10 students, case 2- 18 students). This number makes up the totality of students who attended the unity classes. The results show that the role of online student has to be more interventional and participatory, using simultaneous classrooms and the presence of the teacher as a facilitator and as a learning challenger. This opportunity served to limit and reduce the use of PowerPoint to very specific moments in the class, using the teaching time with diversified strategies, thus making active learning classes that in face-to-face modality was still not very developed. The use of participatory methodologies is recommended focusing on students' skills development.



How to Cite

Durão, A., & Raposo, A. (2020). Desafios do Ensino Remoto de Emergência: Da Prática à Teoria. Interacções, 16(55), 28–40.



Number 25 - Special Number - Adolescence, Gender and Violences