As Tecnologias na Educação em Tempos de Pandemia

Uma Discussão (Im)pertinente


  • Sandra Cristina Batista Martins Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Geiza Santos
  • João Antonio Rufato
  • Glaucia Silva Brito



In 2020, the world was plagued by the COVID-19 pandemic, given this circumstance, new ways of acting were implemented to stop the transmission of the virus. Non-emergency services were transferred to the home office and the school, with all its human structure, had to operate in an emergency and remotely. Discussions about the use of digital technologies in the teaching process have been held for a long time, with this, some advances and improvements have been incorporated, but scholars still pointed out flaws in learning and teaching with the use of digital technologies. Therefore, the objective of this work was to know the concept used by a sample of Brazilian and Portuguese teachers, for technology, as well as how they used it n this pandemic moment. To this end, forms were sent to an intentional sample of 10 Portuguese and 31 Brazilian teachers via google forms. Afterwards, the data collected was organized in spreadsheets and a qualitative analysis of the data was carried out with content analysis techniques and for the description of the sample, statistic analyzes by Excel. The results show that more than 60% of Portuguese teachers have never studied disciplines related to technologies and around 50% of Brazilian teachers have not studied them as well; use physical technologies in their daily work. It was concluded, therefore, that the difficulties experienced indicate the need to transition from the remote teaching model, widely used at that time, to truly online education. To this end, teachers should be offered a space for discussion so that they understand the digital culture they are inserted in and interact with, transforming their realities.



How to Cite

Batista Martins, S. C., Santos, G. ., Rufato, J. A. ., & Brito , G. S. . (2020). As Tecnologias na Educação em Tempos de Pandemia : Uma Discussão (Im)pertinente. Interacções, 16(55), 6–27.



Number 25 - Special Number - Adolescence, Gender and Violences