Projetos Criativos Ecoformadores

Relações entre Tecnologia e Educação Ambiental no Ensino




This text aims to reflect on how critical Environmental Education (EE) and technology are interconnected in the current pandemic. For this, we opted for a qualitative approach methodology developed through bibliographic research. Some of the authors who served as the basis for the discussion are Freire (1984; 1989; 1996), Morin (2000) and Layrargues (2020). The assumption was made that technology should serve the critical Environmental Education proposal by providing students with sufficient conditions to reflect on being and being in the world, their performance and their role in the face of the socio-environmental problem and the pandemic of Covid-19. In the course of the research, it was observed that, for this, a profound change of paradigms is necessary in the whole society and in education, overcoming the excessively technical use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). An example of this relationship between technology and critical EE was found in eco forming projects that use technology as a mediator of contact between students and the socio environmental environment, being a way for the formation of eco political subjects, necessary to face and prevent new pandemics.

Author Biography

Carlos Alberto Vasconcelos, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Pós doctor em educação Comtemporanea

Prof. do Campus prof. Alberto Carvalho da UFS



How to Cite

Juliana Ventura, J. S. da S. V., & Vasconcelos, C. A. (2021). Projetos Criativos Ecoformadores: Relações entre Tecnologia e Educação Ambiental no Ensino. Interacções, 17(58), 117–142.