Aprendizagem Sociocultural





The teaching of written text, in Brazilian classrooms, has been a constant challenge for teachers, especially with students who are not used to reading and writing. The purpose of this article is to present the results of the Portuguese language teaching proposal developed in a collaborative teaching method, which was based on work as an educational principle and on social interactions, especially between teacher-student. The teaching methodology is guided by the Vygotsky's assumptions about the activity theory, Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and labor as an educational principle. The analyzes are made from the reports of the teachers' experiences and the written material of the twenty-nine students, that was collected during the research. The emphasis is on the group of seven students with significant writing difficulties. The texts of these seven students presented linguistic varieties distinct from the linguistic variety used in the school, the standard norm of the Portuguese language. The structures of their texts were more integrated with the narrative mode of discourse than with the cartesian way of writing. The teaching-learning proposal proved to be relevant, as it enabled five of the seven students to produce texts based on the different social uses of language, in the field of language development. The other students, however, showed potential for written production in collaboration with their teachers. It is concluded that the teaching methodology presented is satisfactory mainly in learning situations between cultures, as it opens paths for the development of students' writing in dialogue with their mother tongues.



How to Cite

Leite Aragão Pinto, L. . (2021). TEACHING THROUGH TEXTUAL PRODUCTION: SOCIOCULTURAL LEARNING: Aprendizagem Sociocultural. Interacções, 17(60), 196–213. https://doi.org/10.25755/int.23893



Number 25 - Special Number - Adolescence, Gender and Violences