A Adoção Crítica de Objetos Digitais de Aprendizagem no Ensino de História

Percepções de Docentes do Ensino Médio


  • Kellen Mendes de Freitas Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) / Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Paraná (SEED-PR)
  • Eduardo Fofonca Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (UTP)




The article presents a qualitative investigation, which aims to understand teachers' perceptions through a systematic literature review on pedagogical practice, especially with the critical adoption of digital learning objects (DLO) in pedagogical practice in high school. Thus, it presents some conceptions about ODAS concepts present in the scientific literature and in the systematic review to constitute, in an organized and objective way, considerations about ODA in pedagogical practices, bringing to light reflections around pedagogical development, which must have an intentionality and with Therefore, a planning of curricular components, in which it can stimulate the critical adoption of digital devices and artifacts, both for students and for the teaching practice itself and its ongoing training.



How to Cite

Mendes de Freitas, K., & Fofonca, E. . (2023). A Adoção Crítica de Objetos Digitais de Aprendizagem no Ensino de História: Percepções de Docentes do Ensino Médio. Interacções, 19(64), 1–25. https://doi.org/10.25755/int.30022



Número 64 - Recomposição das Aprendizagens & Renovação de Práticas Metodológicas