Uma Ferramenta para a Recomposição das Aprendizagens após a Pandemia de COVID-19


  • Paulo Oliveira Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança do Instituto de Educação da Universidade do Minho (CIEC/UM)
  • Carla Oliveira Secretaria de Educação do Estado de Pernambuco (SEDUC/PE)




The COVID-19 Pandemic brought significant problems to student learning. The objective of this study is to demonstrate to what extent the Intervention Model for the Improvement of Student Performance in Large-Scale Assessments - MIMDEALE® contributed to the increase of students' proficiency in the curricular components of Portuguese language and mathematics, as well as to the increase of the IDEB grade in the schools where it was implemented. This study was carried out using the Intervention Model for the Improvement of Student Performance in Large-Scale Assessments - MIMDEALE®, with a sample of 305 students from the 3rd Year of High School from two schools located in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, to mitigate the problems caused by social isolation. There was a significant increase in students' proficiency in the curricular components of Portuguese and Mathematics, as well as in the IDEB score in the two participating schools.



How to Cite

Oliveira, P., & Oliveira, C. (2023). MIMDEALE®: Uma Ferramenta para a Recomposição das Aprendizagens após a Pandemia de COVID-19. Interacções, 19(64), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.25755/int.30732



Número 64 - Recomposição das Aprendizagens & Renovação de Práticas Metodológicas