Reflexos da Inovação Metodológica na Práxis Docente e no Protagonismo Discente


  • Valdeir Pereira Silva Universidade Estadual da Paraíba
  • Paula Almeida de Castro Universidade Estadual da Paraíba



Teaching professionalization requires self-reflexive and conscious postures, considering the theoretical and practical assumptions that underlie it, in order to [re]think actions that dynamize and consolidate such a process. It must also consider an assertive posture in the face of the countless challenges that arise in her daily life. That said, this work aims to analyze the reflexes of pedagogical innovations on teaching action, based on the application of a Didactic Sequence (DS), mediated by Problem Based Learning (PBL). Therefore, methodologically, a qualitative approach of an applied nature was adopted, with exploratory purposes based on Prodanov and Freitas (2013). As for the technical procedure of the research, the survey technique was applied to the teacher [applicator of the DS] and to the students of the 1st year of high school in a public school in the hinterland of Paraíba. The data were analyzed in dialogue with Freire (2005), Zabala (1998), Tardif (2014), Castro (2015), and Silva, Almeida and Gatti (2016). Based on the findings, it is inferred that the DS was built in alignment with references for teaching activities considered relevant for a more assertive and delimited praxis, with a positive evaluation of the unprecedented use of PBL by the teacher. Finally, the experience inspired new educational possibilities [recognized by the teacher] and involved student engagement, motivating them to indicate DS and PBL methodologies for other teachers to address different topics.



How to Cite

Valdeir Pereira Silva, & Paula Almeida de Castro. (2023). Reflexos da Inovação Metodológica na Práxis Docente e no Protagonismo Discente. Interacções, 19(64), 1–19.



Número 64 - Recomposição das Aprendizagens & Renovação de Práticas Metodológicas