Editorial 2

Recomposição de aprendizagens


  • Marilene Garcia ZELT- Pädagogische Hochschule- Freiburg- Alemanha e Le@d -Universidade Aberta - Portugal
  • Roseli Trevisan Marques de Souza Centro Paula Souza – SP - Brasil
  • Cristiane Nobre Nunes UNICID – Universidade Cidade de São Paulo- SP- Brasil
  • Kátia Valéria Pereira Gonzaga inED- Centro de investigação e inovação em Educacao- ESE-IPP e Universidade de Lisboa - Portugal




In this editorial 2 we conclude the presentation of the articles selected for the dossier “Recomposition of Learnings” in a special issue of Revista Interacções, from the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém – ESE - IPSantarém. The reason for an editorial number 2 was due to the large number of collaborations, a fact that led us to divide them into two editorials with their respective articles. This editorial brings together 11 articles, closing the publications related to this dossier. The productions presented here once again expose a diversified scenario in terms of the experiences and reflections of both researchers and teachers, in order to reflect a very significant moment in terms of research and practices in the area of education, ranging from basic school to University. In this way, we understand that the dossier on the “Recomposition of learning” has an important role, which is to record real processes and manifestations of pedagogies, educational management and teacher training that can feed innovations and critical views in this context. In this editorial 2 the subjects covered include: potential use of video in the classroom; active methodological processes of hybrid teaching; use of new technologies from a more democratic perspective; aspects about the construction of current curricula; pedagogical training workshops, reflections on dropouts, among other aspects. In this perspective, we are very satisfied with the results of the realization of these ideas through these articles published both in editorial 1 and in editorial 2.



How to Cite

Garcia, M., de Souza, R. T. M. ., Nunes, C. N. ., & Gonzaga, K. V. P. . (2023). Editorial 2: Recomposição de aprendizagens. Interacções, 19(66), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.25755/int.32649