Competências Socioemocionais

O Entendimento de Coordenadores Pedagógicos do Ensino Fundamental


  • Deise Aparecida de Resende Leite Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul
  • Paulo Sergio Garcia Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul



This article aims to analyze the guidelines contained in the curriculum document of the Santo André education network, and the understandings of Pedagogical Assistants in the early years of elementary school, about socio-emotional competencies. The research used a qualitative methodology, based on document analysis and collaborative research. The results revealed that the city’s education network does not have a document to guide the work with the socio-emotional competencies. The curriculum just addresses the topic in a superficial and dispersed way. From the analysis of the understanding of the Pedagogical Assistants, it was possible to show that the work involving the socio-emotional competencies is already present in the school, supported in situations that involve games, conflict resolution, among other things, however, in a fragmented way. These professionals perform many actions about the competencies, but these are much more intuitive and do not appear in the form of systemic projects. No institutions had a project to deal with the issue. It is, therefore, necessary professional qualification for Pedagogical Assistants, teachers, and other professionals, and the creation of actions and initiatives at the school and classroom level.



How to Cite

Leite, D. A. de R., & Garcia , P. S. (2023). Competências Socioemocionais : O Entendimento de Coordenadores Pedagógicos do Ensino Fundamental. Interacções, 19(65), 1–24.



Number 25 - Special Number - Adolescence, Gender and Violences