A Educação para o Desenvolvimento e Cidadania Global (EDCG) na Prevenção da Violência de Género


  • Eloísa Silva Fundação Gonçalo da Silveira
  • Eva Jesus Fundação Gonçalo da Silveira
  • Sandra Machado Fundação Gonçalo da Silveira
  • Sílvia Franco Fundação Gonçalo da Silveira




Gender inequalities are a centuries-old problem and, despite the significant improvements that have taken place worldwide, they perpetuate themselves today in any society. It is recognized that educational contexts, of a formal or non-formal nature, are spaces that encourage its reproduction, but also places with extreme potential for its prevention. Education has emerged as a fundamental pillar for preventive actions, especially the proposal of EDCG, as a lens for reading and acting in the world, as well as the active and participatory methodologies associated with EDCG practices, which raise awareness and prevent inequalities and forms of violence. This article presents two cases that promote reflection on gender prejudices and stereotypes from the perspective of children and young people in formal and non-formal education contexts. Perceptions of gender injustice were identified, which led to reflections on the interdependencies between the Local and the Global, and an understanding of the value attributed to safe spaces for sharing and the use of active and participatory methodologies to work on issues such as those presented here.

Keywords: Gender equality; gender-based violence; prevention of gender-based violence; Education for Development and Global Citizenship; Participatory methodologies.



How to Cite

Silva, E., Jesus, E., Machado, S., & Franco, S. (2024). A Educação para o Desenvolvimento e Cidadania Global (EDCG) na Prevenção da Violência de Género . Interacções, 20(69), 1–26. https://doi.org/10.25755/int.37557



Number 25 - Special Number - Adolescence, Gender and Violences