Childhood(ies), Early Childhood Education, and Citizenship in Brazilian Academic Production (2014-2023)




This article aims to revisit and synthesize academic production on the intersections between childhood(s), early childhood education, and citizenship, with an emphasis on issues of equality and equity between men and women from childhood as a potential path toward building a non-violent society. By investigating theses, dissertations, articles, and final course projects, the study seeks to understand how the themes of childhood(s), early childhood education, and citizenship interact in these productions and impact the experiences of young children, from infancy. The data were analyzed descriptively and interpretively, considering the following axes: a) teacher training for early childhood and educational proposals and practices promoting citizenship and combating violence; and b) childhood, citizenship, and policies regarding children's rights. The analysis of public policies highlights the need to align legislation with practice, ensuring the inclusion of all children in education and prioritizing citizenship from early childhood, while teacher training should address gender and violence, promoting educational practices that develop children's critical awareness of social inequalities.

Author Biography

Luciana Aparecida de Araujo, São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"

She holds a degree in Pedagogy from São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1995), a master's degree in Education from São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2001), and a doctorate in Education from São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Carlos Chagas Foundation (2013) and is a Libre Docente in Pedagogical Research at FFC/Unesp/Marília (2022). She is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences - Unesp/Marília, working in the Pedagogy course and the Graduate Program in Education. She has experience in the field of Education, with an emphasis on Research. Her main areas of focus include: teacher training, pedagogical research, research in teacher training and practice, scientific literacy, and research with children. She is the leader of the Study Group on Pedagogical Research and Scientific Culture (GEPPECC) and a researcher in GEPPECI - Study and Research Group on Pedagogies and Cultures of Childhood at the Federal University of Alagoas, all registered in the Directory of Research Groups of CNPq.



How to Cite

Izidro dos Anjos, C., & de Araujo, L. A. (2024). Childhood(ies), Early Childhood Education, and Citizenship in Brazilian Academic Production (2014-2023). Interacções, 20(69), 1–23.



Number 25 - Special Number - Adolescence, Gender and Violences