Brief reflection on the Portuguese model of administrative offences
administrative infractions, historical, legal nature, quantitative and qualitative theoriesAbstract
The intention was to make an overview of the illicit offense of mere social order, so discussed and debatable especially with regard to its legal nature. It begins with a survey of its origins in German law, examining aspects of the evolution of criminal law and its hypertrophy (as in the Nazi regime) and post-war decriminalization movements. The adoption of the model in Portugal is described, as well as the legislative transformations and other legal circumstances that led to the current general regime of administrative offenses. Qualitative and quantitative thesis are confronted in the debate over the administrative or penal nature of the institute, in order to cogitate on a possible third gender. The methodology employed corresponds to the analysis of the pertinent legislation, the study of the doctrinal positions on the matter and some jurisprudence, in an attempt to provide a contributive-inductive parameter to the study object of the investigation.
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