Case C-852/19, Gavanozov II: European Investigation Order and the Right to an Effective Remedy in the CFREU




European Investigation Order, Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, right to a legal remedy


The European Investigation Order (EIO) was established by Directive 2014/41/EU. In 2019, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) made its first ruling on this new mechanism for judicial cooperation in criminal matters in Case C-324/17, Gavanozov. However, legal experts criticized the decision because it didn't address Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFREU). The ruling left unanswered questions for the Bulgarian Court, which prompted a new preliminary reference on the lack of legal remedies to challenge investigative measures in the EIO under Bulgarian criminal procedure law. This led to Case C-852/19, Gavanozov II, where the CJEU was more attentive to fundamental rights and determined that an EIO cannot be issued without the ability to contest the grounds and necessity of the investigation. This article aims to analyze the legal dispute in the Gavanozov II Case, including the impact of the ruling on November 11, 2021, relevant doctrine, and the applicability of Article 47 of the CFREU.


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How to Cite

BARATA, M. S. (2023). Case C-852/19, Gavanozov II: European Investigation Order and the Right to an Effective Remedy in the CFREU. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, 186–203.

