The fashion industry: use of charaters and parody in their creations


  • Ana Isabel Guerra UPT


Fashion; Characters; Parodies; Copyright; Industrial Property.


At a time when small and medium-sized companies in the textile and footwear sector need to reinvent themselves, and when the personalized creation of pieces grows before the eyes, the inclusion of fictional characters from audiovisual works in the pieces they sell may be a business opportunity. However, it is advisable to assess the protection of fictional characters in European legal regimes and the Anglo - American system, in order to know the real possibilities of this use and which ones are most advantageous. In this way, it is important to analyze the possibilities of free use of the characters and how to proceed legally if that use cannot be made freely. Therefore, it is imperative to analyze the protection given by copyright to the creators of the characters, which can always be complemented by industrial property and trademark law if the holders of rights over the characters consider their registration as graphic or mixed marks relevant, due its success and notoriety.


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How to Cite

Guerra, A. I. (2021). The fashion industry: use of charaters and parody in their creations. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, (30), 8–23. Retrieved from

