The Effectiveness of International Rules In The Fight Against Corruption



Palabras clave:

financial corruption, corruption crimes, international rules, international efforts, administrative corruption.


Corruption is no longer merely an individual or local activity aimed at personal gains at the expense of the public interest. Instead, it has become an issue of international concern, affecting the global community. Corruption networks have spread and expanded in many countries of the world, which prompted the international community to intensify His international efforts to combat this type of corruption and limit its spread. The efforts of international organizations and regional organizations have emerged through collective and local international agreements that work to combat corruption with rules derived from public international law.


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Cómo citar

Sufyan LATEEF, & TAREQ JASIM, Z. (2024). The Effectiveness of International Rules In The Fight Against Corruption. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, 135–162.

