Influence of physical fitness on the perception of physical well-being and quality of life in individuals with Intellectual Disability
Physical well-being;, Aerobic capacity;, Isokinetic strength;, Resistance;, Quality of life;Abstract
Physical capacities, health and quality of life (QOL) are improved through physical exercise in individuals with Intellectual Disability (ID). The aim of the present study was to verify the association of physical fitness with the perception of physical well-being and QOL in individuals with ID. Sixteen individuals with ID were evaluated by bioimpedance, functional tests (“6-minute walk test” (6MIN), “Timed Up and Go” (TUG), “30-s Chair Stand” (L/S), and “medicine ball throw”) and isokinetic dynamometer (lower limbs [LL]). The Personal Outcomes Scale (POS) was used to measure “Physical Well-Being” and “Total QoL”. Pearson and Spearman correlations were applied (p< 0.05). Correlations were found only in the female gender between the muscular strength in the extension/flexion of the LL (60º/s) and the responses of the reference technicians in the domains of “Physical Well-Being” (respectively, r= 0.729, p= 0.026; r= 0.802, p= 0.009) and “Total QOL” (respectively, r= 0.706, p= 0.033; r= 0.767, p= 0.016). It was found that strength, endurance and aerobic capacity do not seem to be associated with the physical well-being and QOL of the sample.
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