Effects of respiratory therapeutics and physical activity in maximal respiratory pressures of obese women


  • Maria do Socorro Luna Cruz
  • Paula Roquetti Fernandes
  • Elisa Sonehara
  • Victor Machado Reis
  • Fernando Policarpo Barbosa
  • José Fernandes Filho




The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of differing therapies on maximal static respiratory pressure in 51 obese women divided into three groups: i) sedentary women (n = 19, aged 57.37 ± 8.10 years, BMI = 38.3± 5.9); ii) physically active women (n = 13, aged 60.31 ± 8.94 years, BMI = 38.0 ± 7.7) submitted to seven days of therapy through incentive spirometry, and iii) women in pulmonary rehabilitation (n = 20, aged 48.75 ± 13.71 years, BMI = 34.7±3.8) submitted to a 12-week program of aerobic physical activity at 70% heart rate reserve, and breathing and stretching exercises. Data were treated using a one way ANOVA with post-hoc Turkey, within groups with paired t test and Pearson's correlation coefficient. Results showed a significant post-therapy (p < .05) for the maximal static respiratory pressure between and within group with significant changes on obese women's maximal static respiratory pressure.



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