The synthesis as transdisciplinary school genre
The synthesis as transdisciplinary school genre
Synthesis, Textual genre, Transdisciplinary genreAbstract
Synthesis is a textual genre and its domination is essential for socio-professional and academic tasks. Its appropriation is not made in a spontaneous way, but, most of the times, it takes place in a formal situation of learning, in a school context, namely in the Portuguese Language class. In this article, we present a reflection on the teaching of the textual genre synthesis, in the perspective of textual genres teaching – we focus on the social functioning of this genre and its didactic transposition in the current curricular programs, as well as in school manuals. Finally, we present some suggestions for teaching this genre, which are based on three principles: observation/analysis of authentic texts; textual production regulated by the characteristics of the genre; metalinguistic reflection.
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